Vores mission

Skeden er fantastisk, og det skal også være fantastisk at tage sig af det mer om skede

At tage sig af dine intime dele er en handling af selvkærlighed. Derfor har vi skabt produkter, der er helt fokuseret på kvindelig intim wellness. Vores mål er at støtte kvinder og åbne en ægte samtale om kvinders intime sundhedsspørgsmål og kvinders sundhed generelt.
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Vaginale sundhedsproblemer anses ofte for at være et tabu, men de er overraskende almindelige, og påvirker de fleste kvinder på et eller andet tidspunkt i deres liv. Derfor har vi skabt VagiVital, klinisk dokumenterede produkter, som virker for alle kvinder i alle aldre. Vi ønsker at gøre vaginal sundhed lige til for hver eneste kvinde.

Så mange som én ud af tre kvinder vil komme til at lide af bakteriel vaginose, og mere end 50% af alle kvinder vil opleve vaginal atrofi (tørhed). Desuden mener seks ud af ti danske kvinder (61%), at der ikke er nok fokus på kvinders intime sundhedsproblemer, særligt blandt unge kvinder. Undersøgelser viser, at kvinder med vaginale sundhedsproblemer er tilbageholdende med at søge hjælp hos deres læge eller gynækolog. 43% har udtrykt, at de hellere vil søge information online om intime problemer.


VagiVital er en virksomhed, som er 100% dedikeret til kvinders helbred og velbefindende. Vores forskning og investeringer fokuserer på vaginale sundhedsproblemer og på at prioritere kvinders intime sundhed højt.


Mildt men effektivt. Vi tilbyder klinisk afprøvede produkter, som anbefales af gynækologer.


Alle VagiVital produkter er fremstillet i Norden. De er udviklet på vores hovedkontor i Sverige og produceres i Finland.

50% af alle kvinder lider af vaginal tørhed (atrofi). Vi kan hjælpe mere end 79% af dem med at blive symptomfri med vores patenterede VagiVital Active gel.

Up to 60% of all women will suffer from symptoms of vaginal atrophy (the thinning of the vaginal walls) at some point in their lives so you are not alone! It is often due to hormonal changes from menopause, breastfeeding, medication or prolonged stress. But what does vaginal atrophy really mean?

Simply put, it is dry and irritated vaginal tissue. Oftentimes it causes itching and burning, but it can also cause discomfort during sexual intercourse and during urination. Symptoms may also appear with activities such as cycling or horse riding.

But all these symptoms can be alleviated and even cured by simply using VagiVital. This hormone-free vaginal gel developed by Swedish Peptonic Medical and documented in collaboration with a team of female researchers, has clinically proven efficacy. 

A course of treatment with VagiVital lasts for 30 days but for best results, use every day for 90 days. After this period, use the gel as often as needed. The gel is easily administered into the vagina using a smart applicator. The transparent, non-greasy formula makes the applicator easy to clean with just hot water. 

Still wondering if VagiVital can help you? In a large clinical study by female scientists at Karolinska University Hospital, Uppsala University Hospital, and Umeå University Hospital in Sweden, 79% of patients experienced a significant improvement or were completely symptom free after treatment. 

Our mission

Vagina er fantastisk, og det bør også være fantastisk at pleje den. That’s why we’ve created a product that really makes a difference. But that’s not where it stops. We also want to open up a greater conversation about vaginal health and women's health in general. A survey shows that as many as 55% of women in Sweden feel uncomfortable talking about intimate problems when speaking with a healthcare professional. It's time to change that. We want to do even more research into vaginal health issues and to make it a priority for all women to have excellent intimate health – all their lives.


How do you use VagiVital

One (1) ml dose of VagiVital should be applied daily for 30 days, after which only when needed. 

  1. Wash hands with soap and water.
  2. Open the tube.
  3. Push/screw the supplied vaginal applicator onto the tube until it reaches the bottom and sticks in place. 
  4. Press the tube until the applicator is completely filled with gel (1 ml). Maintain light pressure on the tube with your thumb to avoid the applicator piston from going backwards. 
  5. Remove the applicator from the tube and replace the lid.
  6. Wet the applicator's outside for an easier insertion. Insert the front end of the applicator into the vagina (4 – 5 cm) and slowly push the plunger until it reaches the bottom and its original position. Remove the applicator.
  7. Wash your hands again and clean your applicator by pulling the plunger out of the applicator and wash both parts separately. Use hot water until all the gel is gone. Let the parts dry completely before putting the applicator back together.